Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We're here in Wisconsin for the week to attend Patrick's sister's wedding. Angie is getting married tomorrow. We are staying the week at his parents' house. Right now Patrick and his mom are playing on the Wii, the dog (Sassy Pants) is sleeping on the couch, and Dad is in his bedroom.

We arrived in Chicago on Saturday, and my parents came to get us with their baby goat, Obadiah. We arrived at Patrick's parents house and had a delicious dinner with both sets of parents. Afterwards I went to WDO (Waukesha Deaf Organization) with my mom. Everyone there was so kind-- they clapped for me as I walked into the room with my mom. I felt embarrassed that I can't communicate better; I haven't taken a signing class for about a year, perhaps a year and a half. I need to practice more because I don't want to forget what I've learned in the all the semesters I took classes at school.

On Sunday, we attended sacrament meeting at the West Allis II Ward. Afterwards Patrick's mom threw a baby shower for us. It was mostly a family event. We got all sorts of cute outfits. I realized I'm a big fan of babyoveralls-- they are SO cute. We also got a bunch of other bigger gifts like a car seat and high chair and baby monitor. Plus, Patrick's parents already got us a crib. It's fun to be getting ready for the big event. It's only about 100 days until his arrival, which is a very, very crazy thought. After the shower, we had a barbecue at the house. Parick's brother, Ray, cooked hamburgers, which were delicious, as he told us himself. In the evening, Patrick, his mom, and his dad, and I went for a walk. It was a beautiful evening and it was nice to get some exercise.

On Monday, we spent the day with my mom. We went hiking in a beautiful area nearby where my parents live. We rode the four wheeler some and visited my mom's friendly llamas and goats. We also visited my brother at the cinema he works at and then went to lunch at the mall. It was such a nice, relaxed day with my mom. When we got back, we went to a bachelorette party for Angie at Olive Garden. I had a salad and chocolate gelatto. I'd never tried gelatto before, but it was very good. I'm fairly certain that the waiter and the whole restaurant was thoroughly scandalized by the event. Bachelorette parties might be better held at somebody's home, unless the purpose is to embarrass the bride . . . which, in this family, is an important aspect of the marital preparations, so the tradition probably won't change.

Now, Tuesday, Patrick and I had a relaxed morning and then went to Marquette for a tour. Patrick is thinking about attending their part-time MBA program. It was a nice campus and the woman we spoke to at the business school was helpful and friendly. This afternoon, we'll spend the day here relaxing and running some errands. In the evening, we have the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner for Angie's wedding. We're invited because Patrick is an usher.

Then tomorrow is the wedding. Thursday we'll spend the day with my parents. Friday we don't have plans during the day, but we're having a game night in the evening, Saturday is the open house, Sunday we'll go to church with my parents at Kettle Moraine Ward, and then we'll head back to Utah.

Probably the next post will be pictures and we'll have plenty of them. Oh, Wisconsin is beautiful! Both the state and all the family here. We're having a great time, and we'll have to adjust to life with work and school again when we return.

1 comment:

Cami and Juan said...

I miss Wisconsin. We really do need to go back and visit soon. Sounds like you guys are having a good time with your families!