My friend Kathleen complained about a lack of pregnancy pictures. Obviously, I'm lacking any posts or pictures lately since we have gone the way of ancient barbarians and given up our home Internet. I've had several friends offer to let me use their computers/Internet to do it, but I mostly keep it simple and check my email when I have the chance at their houses so that I can hang out and visit with them while I'm there.
In any case, while I have a moment and the access, I thought I would post a pregnant picture. If you can believe it, at nine months I have ballooned out even more so that I can't believe I can actually carry myself and this baby around. But, heroic little me, I am managing to do both and at the rate we're going and according to past history with the first kiddo, I may be doing both for another week or two. But perhaps we'll all be surprised and I'll have an announcement to make sooner than that. I hope so since my mom is only here for the rest of the month. Of course, even if I have an announcement to make, there's no telling when it will appear on here, but I'll do my best to be lively about it and keep you all (meaning, I suppose, all three of you or so) posted one way or another soon after the baby's born. Something to do in the hospital, I suppose.